How To Store A Kayak | Kayak Owners Guide to Kayak Storage

how to store a kayak

Last updated on September 2, 2022

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In as much as knowing how to use your kayak, taking care of it is equally important. Proper care for your kayak ensures that it will last for the years to come. A kayak, no matter how expensive it is, will not last for long if it is not properly accounted for.

Proper kayak storage should be a habit aside from regular components checks. By storing your kayak properly, you may prevent the early corrosion and breakage of kayak parts such as fins, holders, paddles, and seats.

I will be helping you become a good kayak owner today. To do this, I will cover the following topics.

  • Why store your kayak outside?
  • How to store a kayak outside?
  • Why store your kayak in the garage?
  • How to store kayak in the garage?
  • Common mistakes that owners do when storing their kayak

Look lively because the discussion starts now!

Why Store Your Kayak Outside?

Most kayak owners say that storing a kayak outside is a big no. I think they are absolutely right. Placing your kayak outside exposes it to the elements that cause damage.

But then again, many do not realize that not all people have adequate space in their homes. Some kayakers are living in houses without a garage. And even if there is one, the garage might not have adequate space for storing various things.

Therefore, if your living space is not spacious, storing your kayak outdoors is the most logical thing to do. Pushing to store your kayak in a limited space might cause accidents as someone or something might bump into it. Also, doing so might even make your house look bulky.

Storing a kayak outside comes in handy when you are living with kids.  If you leave a kayak lying on the floor of the garage or any other parts of the house, kids might come and ride it. The worst-case scenario is that the kids might take it outside and drag it around. A possible consequence of this is a damaged hull. Therefore, putting your kayak outside prevents kids from playing with it.

But perhaps the greatest advantage of storing a kayak outside is the conservation of living space. Kayaks have an average size of 10 meters or even more. Putting it inside the garage, basement, or even the living room will make things feel strung out.

How To Store A Kayak Outside?

The first step to storing a kayak outside is to look for an ideal place outdoors that is within the vicinity of your house. Such a place should be well shaded from sunlight. However, it must not be near trees as their falling branches may damage the kayak. A front porch is a good place if your house has it. If not, I suggest that you go for the backyard or the front yard.

After finding a suitable place outside, get your hands on a good kayak stand that supports the weight of your kayak equally. You can make your own wooden kayak stand if you know how to craft things. Any design will do as long as the kayak stand holds the stern, bow, and hull of the kayak.

You might be thinking that the next step is to mount the kayak after getting your hands on a kayak stand, however, there’s one crucial thing that you need to do before mounting. You should remove the seats and other removable parts of the kayak before mounting. If the seats are not removable, cover them with large cellophane, an unused blanket, or curtain.

After this, mount the kayak with the hull facing upwards. Of course, you shouldn’t leave your kayak exposed. Buy a piece of tarp or boat cover and put it over your kayak.

Why Store A Kayak Inside The Garage?

For well-off kayak owners, storing their watercraft inside the garage is probably the best option. Storing the kayak inside the garage greatly reduces the risk of theft and protects it from the heat and cold of the outdoors.

But still, how much space should the garage have to be ideal for kayak storage? In my opinion, a 20×20 garage will do. A garage with these dimensions should have enough room to house two vehicles- one large and the other small. Ideally, the garage should have a high ceiling for suspending your kayak.

How To Store A Kayak Inside the Garage?

To store a kayak inside the garage, you should first decide whether or not to hang your kayak. Personally, I recommend that you should hang your kayak inside the garage for you not to accidentally run it over when parking. If you decide to hang it, you should buy an overhead pulley system as this device will make it easier to suspend your kayak.

If you decide not to hang it and keep it on the floor, you should buy seahorse storage. Seahorse storage is a kayak storage equipment that suitable for inside or outside use. It holds all the kayak’s weight and can be tucked when not in use.

Suspended or not, your kayak should be placed at the furthest end of the garage. You shouldn’t put your kayak near the entrance because it might get in the way of parking your car.

Also, bear in mind that you should suspend your kayak with the hull facing upwards. This will prevent dust from building on the cockpit. Aside from this, it will prevent rats from living in it.

It’s okay not to remove the seats and other components as you hang kayak in the garage. Just be certain that they are very dry and sprayed with a bit of insect repellant.

Common Mistakes That Owners Do When Storing Their Kayak

Using Kayak Stands That Only Support The Weight of The Bow and Stern

Kayak stands that only holds the bow and stern are not ideal for storage. However, many use this because they are cheap. You may choose to follow this practice, but saving money will not help you take care of your precious kayak. Kayak stands that only support the bow and stern might lead to the deformity of the hull.

But why is this? Kayak stands that only holds the bow and stern do not support the weight of the kayak equally. The weight gets focused on the centermost part of the kayak. As a result, deformities or cracks may emerge at the center.

Making the Kayak Stand on Its Bow or Stern on Solid Ground

Making the kayak stand on its bow or stern is a good practice since it allows the kayak to dry faster. Faster drying helps the kayak keep it’s tensile strength whereas slow drying reduces the durability of the kayak.

However, standing a kayak on its end at a hard surface is bad as it might damage the bow or stern. Think about it, as the kayak stands, all the weight is focused on either the bow or stern. The consequence of this is the decreased maneuverability of the kayak.

Drying A Kayak Under Direct Sunlight

There are kayak owners who store their kayak on areas outside the house that’s lit by adequate sunlight. Accordingly, they do this because it is handy in drying the kayak after use. Sunlight may be helpful for drying a kayak without effort, but continuous exposure to it might lead to breakage and weakening of the kayak itself.

Radiation from sunlight corrodes a kayak. This effect might not be felt immediately but it will eventually emerge after a year of continuous exposure. Some known effects of sunlight are the emergence of light cracks in the hull, faded kayak color, loss of durability, and even sudden lightness.

Leaving the Kayak Outside Without Covers

When storing their kayaks outside, some kayak owners just leave their watercraft without covers. This practice of storing a kayak outside without cover poses a lot of problems. First, curious animals such as birds and rodents might decide to live inside the cockpit. Second, the seats and other components might get wet when it rains and the cockpit might even get filled with water if the rain is very turbulent.

Aside from what I’ve said above, storing the kayak outside without any covers leaves it at the mercy of the elements. The continuous shift from hot seasons to cold seasons might damage it. Exposure to hot weather slightly expands the material of the kayak. In contrast, exposure to cold does the opposite. This series of contraction and expansion might lead to undetectable distortions in the hull, stern, or bow.

Lastly, leaving the kayak outside without any covers invites theft. The color and design of the kayak easily catch the eye of thieves. Covering the kayak is a must because the least that owners want is to make it known that they have a valuable possession outside available for the taking.

Final Thoughts

You should store your kayak outside if you don’t have a garage or running out of space. Storing your kayak outdoors is not ideal but with a few precautions such as using covers as protection for elements and using well-designed kayak stand for support, your watercraft will not have problems lying outside.

By the way, a good way to protect your kayak from thieves when stored outside is to attach a small bell to it. Another option is to fasten your kayak to the kayak stand using chains.

Storing the kayak inside the garage lessens the possibility of theft. Remember that the best way to store the kayak inside the garage is to suspend it at the ceiling and at the furthest end.

Remember, if you want your favorite kayak to last long, proper storage practices are a must!

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